Character Designer/Animator

This was the film I made as my thesis project for my senior year. This film was a large progression in my work, from both a technical animation perspective as well as a timing. It has what I think is the strongest comedic timing in my work, with better and more on-model animation backing it up. 

Animation Demo Reel 

This was a piece I did in collaboration with Mokuzai Studios to help pitch a smartphone/tablet app called Pikapika, intended to help curate and monitor online activity for children. I was tasked with adapting their script with their character designs into an informational video to help explain the concept. I did all the character animation and backgrounds, the info graphic animation was done by their team.

Simpsons Parody 

Animation One Show Opening 

​​This is a film I made during my fall semester of Junior year. This was the most complex narrative I had tackled up to this point. It taught me about layout and background design which had not been too heavily explored in my other works. 

This is a digital dialog animation piece that I did as a test for a larger project. The clip shows a progression through each step of the animation process from rough inbetweens all the way to color.

The Chef's Apprentice 

Hell to Play

​Slow and Steady

This is a dialog piece. This was my first major dive into completely digital animation. I think I was able to maintain the hand drawn feel. 

Dracula's Pizza

Pika Pika App Pitch Video 

This was a short film I made during a pre-college course at CCA. While I have certainly progressed as an animator since then, I still enjoy this piece and still gets one of the biggest laughs out of all of my pieces. 

The Sale

Peter Mansky

Copyright ©  Peter Mansky

​​This was a collaborative piece I made with three other people. I wrote the script, directed, boarded, voiced, and animated the segment from 0:14-0:23. 

This was a film I made my fall semester of freshman year.


This was a piece I worked on in collaboration with Undo Redo Entertainment as well as other artists about a demanding bride planning her perfect wedding day. I acted as the primary character designer on the project as well as contributed a significant portion of the animation and layouts.

​Neil's Discovery